March 8, 2013

  • Recognizing similarities between my parents and me always tickles me (because irony, for whatever reason, always gets me), largely due to our "complicated" history.

    The similarity between me and my mother (other than I'm starting to notice really creepily similar – I need a different word than similar now – habits we have in dealing with anxiety) is that we were both exceedingly harmed in life. This has resulted in us both being distrustful of others (notably, for reasons I still don't fully understand, the same can be said of my sister).

    As I've mentioned in past entries, this has lead to results such as not trusting her own siblings fully or even her husband for the first years of her marriage.

    And then it dawned on me that I could pinpoint the exact difference in our similarity.


    My mother was hurt and she resolved to ensure that she would never be hurt again like that, no matter what. I was hurt and I resolved to ensure that no one else would ever be hurt like I had been, no matter what.

Comments (3)

  • "I was hurt and I resolved to ensure that no one else would ever be hurt like I had been, no matter what."

    You have such an amazing way with words, omg (as I obviously do not.) But, seriously, that's powerful (to put it quite mildly.)

  • @IgorLollipop – Heh, now it's you who flatters me, K-Marto.

    Also, this comment and this comment have almost similar writing styles; I read the latter one first and, for a moment, thought the sarcasm was carrying over.

  • @thirst2 - Oh God, that would be so mean of me. That is partially why I added the "omg," to make it seem more light hearted (aka to make it clear that I wasn't being sarcastic... oops!) 

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