November 22, 2012

  • Excerpt from an old post. At the time, I wasn't certain I articulated what I wanted to well but the last five paragraphs drive home the point perfectly.



    My point is - pain, suffering, disillusionment, fear, even anger, are all very human. And while I don't want to be yelled at, I do want to see all of those things. You cannot possibly be completely un-traumatized by some point in your life or even your present. Share that. It's a part of you. Plus to be devoid of such things is boring.

    People are messy. People are not perfect and they're incapable of being packaged in these nice little boxes.

    Do not try to shove yourself into one of them. Frustration can be endearing and it's not something I don't want to deal with.

    While, yes, being happy and getting along and being enjoyable is nice, that's not all of who we are. And, I guess, what I'm trying to're more interesting that way so why hide it? Why deal with it in private.

    I want someone who's able to control themselves and yet can be a mess. I want fucking complexity. Be varied, be vast, be radiant.